2019년 5월 10일 금요일

Mu-Jeong Kho in Support of a Medicare for All Health Care System

Economists are in support of a Medicare for All Health Care System, releasing an open letter to the Congress and People of the United States. 

Mu-Jeong Kho, the Chair of IPEAD (academic affiliation: University College London) joined at this open letter, which is announced at Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) of the University of Massachusetts, NESRI (National Economic & Social Rights Initiative) in the United States, and others.  

Click below, for more information: 

1. At PERI Link1  Link2

2. At NESRI, Link3Link4, Link5 Link6

3. Medicare4All, Link7, Link8

4. And at the National Nurses United, Nation of Change, Common DreamsREEL INSIGHT