2017년 4월 26일 수요일

Mu-Jeong Kho (IPEAD Chair & University College London) abstract and paper proposal is accepted in the Conference at Greece, Building Bridges: Interdisciplinary Conference Building Bridges in a Complex World

Building Bridges: Interdisciplinary Conference
Building Bridges in a Complex World


Mu-Jeong Kho 
Academic Affiliation: 
University College London
The Chair of the Institute
for Political Economy & 
Development (IPEAD)

Mu-Jeong Kho (Academic Affiliation: University College London), the Chair of the Institute for Political Economy and Development (IPEAD) , finally received an acceptance letter for his very short abstract & paper submitted to Building Bridges - Interdisciplinary Conference: Building Bridges in a Complex World, which is held in CHANIA, CRETE, GREECE | 6-8 July 2017.

  • The Invitation Letter from the Building Bridges Conference Committee to Mu-Jeong Kho, please click this link.
  • The Building Bridges Conference Guidelines and Timetable: Please click this link.

The Building Bridges is: 
"A Radically Different Kind of Conference
A very warm welcome!
We are a network of academics and practitioners motivated by our work experiences inside and outside of Europe. With this being the first conference, we are hoping to turn this into an annual gathering to build bridges on three different levels: between theorists and practitioners, between people from different disciplines and between people from different parts of the world.
Our personal experiences in education and the general job market are that job insecurity, isolation and competitiveness –through constant evaluations, satisfaction surveys, pressure to secure funding and ultimately generate income– create a culture that encourages cut-throat encounters. On a political and professional level, it leads to a lack of collaboration and solidarity between groups and professions. On a personal level, it makes us feel alienated, which obviously affects our life satisfaction and mental health.The close link between personal and professional matters is seen but not talked about in formal conference spaces and only finds its place in private dinner table conversations with people we feel comfortable with. It is in this spirit that we invite you to contribute to build an intellectual home for all of us."  (Building Bridges 2017; 

2017년 4월 19일 수요일

IPEAD: The Chair Mu-Jeong Kho completed his presentation at 59th WSSA-AFIT Conference, San Francisco, CA, the USA

The IPEAD's Chair
Mu-Jeong Kho (academic affiliation: University College London) had his conference paper's presentation at the 59th Annual WSSA-AFIT Conference, San Francisco (Hyatt Recency Embarcadero), CA, the USA. 

Mu-Jeong Kho'
s Conference paper has been considered one of the very significant topics in the context of enduring influence of Thorstein Veblen, and particularly in Economics and also its relevant association such as Association for Institutional Thought (AFIT).

For your information: please click the links below