2021년 6월 21일 월요일

[Mu-Jeong Kho] Mu-Jeong Kho's paper has been accepted at the 2021 International Adam Smith Society (IASS) Conference held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, the United States of America on 15-17 October 2021.

The IPEAD Chair, Mu-Jeong Kho's paper has been accepted at the 2021 International Adam Smith Society (IASS) Conference held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, the United States of America on 15-17 October 2021. 

So, Mu-Jeong Kho will present his paper at the 2021 International Adam Smith Society (IASS) Conference, (https://smithsociety.org/), Panel 5A; University of Wisconsin, Madison, The United States of America (USA), 16 October 2021.