As the Founder and Chair of Research at the Institute for Political Economy and Development (정치경제발전연구소 (政治経済発展研究所), in Korean pronunciation ‘jeongchigyeongjebaljeon-yeonguso') in the Republic of Korea, it is my great pleasure to introduce our organization, its structure, functions, and objectives.
The IPEAD is a non-profit and academic network to promote the economics and politics of development.
The economics and politics of development have become increasingly relevant to our substances of economic lives due to the rapid globalization that has taken place in recent decades. Economic development is significant for developing countries where most of the population suffers from severe poverty. The IPEAD addresses those issues and seeks to help find alternative solutions to the various development issues around the world in achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set by the UN by clarifying the impact that has on economic development.
The IPEAD wishes to collaborate with practitioners from several countries. You will find further information about the IPEAD from this website. Please also feel free to contact the Founder and Chair of Research of the IPEAD, Mu-Jeong Kho (mu-jeong.kho@cantab.net, mu-jeong.kho@ipead.net, khomujeong@yahoo.co.uk), if you have any questions.
This research institute will be registered officially at the National Tax Service of the Republic of Korea, 08 December 2016. The Registration No. at the National Tax Service of the Republic of Korea (대한민국 국세청 등록번호; 大韓民國 國稅廳 登錄番號) will be available when requested.
Kind Regards,
Founder & Chair of Research, the Institute for Political Economy and
Development (IPEAD), Republic of Korea
Mu-Jeong Kho