2019년 5월 10일 금요일

Mu-Jeong Kho in Support of a Medicare for All Health Care System

Economists are in support of a Medicare for All Health Care System, releasing an open letter to the Congress and People of the United States. 

Mu-Jeong Kho, the Chair of IPEAD (academic affiliation: University College London) joined at this open letter, which is announced at Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) of the University of Massachusetts, NESRI (National Economic & Social Rights Initiative) in the United States, and others.  

Click below, for more information: 

1. At PERI Link1  Link2

2. At NESRI, Link3Link4, Link5 Link6

3. Medicare4All, Link7, Link8

4. And at the National Nurses United, Nation of Change, Common DreamsREEL INSIGHT

2019년 5월 8일 수요일

The IPEAD opened its in-house Column: OP-ED and Commentary.

On 1 May 2019, the Institute for Political Economy and Development opened its Column. The first column is:

IPEAD: Column: OP-ED and Commentary, No. 2019-01 (May 01, 2019) By Mu-Jeong Kho
It is available at the official website of the IPEAD: http://www.ipead.net/
The direct link is as follows. One can click below to follow the column.

Paper (on-line) – Copyright
The IPEAD column may be cited or briefly quoted in line with the usual academic conventions. You may also download them for your own personal use. But this paper must not be published elsewhere (e.g. to mailing lists, bulletin boards etc.) without the author's explicit permission. Please note that if you copy this paper you must: • Include this copyright note • ‘Do not use the paper for commercial purposes or gain in any way’ • Also, you should observe the conventions of academic citation in a version of the following form:

No. 2019-01: [PDF Download
Kho, Mu-Jeong (2019). _________. IPEAD Column: Op-Ed and Commentary, No. 2019-01 (May 01, 2019), 1-4. Retrieved from https://ipead2014.wixsite.com/ipead/ipeadcolumn and https://independent.academia.edu/IPEAD_Column