2021년 6월 22일 화요일

[Mu-Jeong Kho] Mu-Jeong Kho's paper has been accepted at the 69th (2021) Japan Society of Political Economy (JSPE), Annual International Conference (General Theme: Covid-19 Pandemic and the Modern Capitalism) held at Hokusei Gakuen University, Sapporo, Japan, in October 2021.

Mu-Jeong Kho's paper has been accepted at the 69th (2021) Japan Society of Political Economy (JSPE), Annual International Conference (General Theme: Covid-19 Pandemic and the Modern Capitalism) held at Hokusei Gakuen University, Sapporo, Japan, in October 2021

So, Mu-Jeong Kho will present his paper at The 69th (2021) Japan Society of Political Economy (https://en.jspe.gr.jp), Annual International Conference (General Theme: Covid-19 Pandemic and the Modern Capitalism), Presentation Session: International Sessions (3) – “Covid-19 Pandemic and Economy”; Hokusei Gakuen University, Sapporo, Japan, 17 October 2021, cf. https://english-hokuseigakuen69.jimdosite.com

2021년 6월 21일 월요일

[Mu-Jeong Kho] Mu-Jeong Kho's paper has been accepted at the 2021 International Adam Smith Society (IASS) Conference held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, the United States of America on 15-17 October 2021.

The IPEAD Chair, Mu-Jeong Kho's paper has been accepted at the 2021 International Adam Smith Society (IASS) Conference held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, the United States of America on 15-17 October 2021. 

So, Mu-Jeong Kho will present his paper at the 2021 International Adam Smith Society (IASS) Conference, (https://smithsociety.org/), Panel 5A; University of Wisconsin, Madison, The United States of America (USA), 16 October 2021.


2021년 6월 17일 목요일

[Mu-Jeong Kho] Mu-Jeong Kho's Paper has been accepted at the WORK2021 Conference (Theme: Work Beyond Crises), Work II Stream Session, Turku Centre for Labor Studies, University of Turku, Finland

The IPEAD Chair, Mu-Jeong Kho's Paper has been accepted at the WORK2021 Conference (Theme: Work Beyond Crises), Work II Stream Session, Turku Centre for Labor Studies, University of Turku, Finland, held on 13-14 October 2021. 

So, Mu-Jeong Kho will present his paper at The Work2021 Conference (Theme: Work Beyond Crises), Work II Stream Session (https://work2021.fi/work-ii-schedule/https://workconference.fi ); Turku Centre for Labor Studies (TCLS), University of TurkuFinland, 14 October 2021. 

2021년 6월 16일 수요일

[Mu-Jeong Kho] Mu-Jeong Kho's paper has been accepted for oral presentation at the 33rd Annual EAEPE Conference to be held online from 02 to 04 September 2021.

The IPEAD Chair, Mu-Jeong Kho's paper has been accepted for oral presentation at the 33rd Annual EAEPE Conference to be held online (Parthenope University of Naples, Italy) from 02 to 04 September 2021.

Mu-Jeong Kho's paper will be presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the EAEPE (https://www.eaepe.org), (Theme: Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic: Re-Thinking the Role of the State towards safe, cohesive, sustainable, and innovative economies, EAEPE-AFEE Special Session: A Window of Opportunity for Heterodox Economics Amidst the Financial and Health Crises, organized by Research Area, [JAES] Joint AFEE (Association for Evolutionary Economics) – EAEPE (European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy); Parthenope University of Naples, Italy.


2021년 6월 14일 월요일

[Mu-Jeong Kho] Mu-Jeong Kho's paper is accepted in the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) - IBG Annual International Conference 2021.

The IPEAD Chair, Mu-Jeong Kho's paper is accepted in the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) - IBG Annual International Conference in 2021.  

According to the RGS, 

"The conference is on track to be our largest on record, and we have been delighted to see such a strong response to the conference theme and to our call for sessions and papers. We are looking forward to welcoming over 2200 delegates to the virtual event over 4 days, for a fantastic programme of over 475 excellent sessions."

One can visit the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference at: 



2021년 6월 13일 일요일

[Mu-Jeong Kho] IPEAD Chair Mu-Jeong Kho's Paper accepted at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE) in 2021

The IPEAD Chair Mu-Jeong Kho's paper was accepted at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE)

According to AHE, it "received a high volume of submissions this year, and are thrilled with the quality and range of papers for the event." 

Mu-Jeong Kho's presentation session will take place on Friday 9 July at 4 pm (BST). 

One can visit the AHE website: https://www.hetecon.net/