Save the Georg Lukacs Archive
We, the subscribers to this letter, are concerned about the future of the Georg Lukacs Archive (GLA) in Budapest. Given the difficulties the GLA faces due to the current political situation in Hungary, we believe that a secured continuation of the work of the GLA can only be based upon the independence of the GLA from any other institution. To this end, we strongly support the idea of the establishment of an independent international foundation. In our opinion this foundation should above all take over the literary estate and archive of Georg Lukacs. Furthermore, if at all possible it should also take over the former flat of Georg Lukacs to enable the GLA to continue its important work at the place where it has always been. To put it in a nutshell, we should strive for an independent future for the GLA at its historical place – the former flat of Georg Lukacs in Budapest.
We the subscribers are willing to do what we can to make the initiative of the International Georg Lukacs Foundation a success.
Kevin B. Anderson, University of California, Santa Barbara
Timothy Bewes, Brown University
Sebastian Budgen, Senior Editor Verso Books, Editorial Board member Historical Materialism
Judith Butler, University of California at Berkeley
Robin Celikates, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Brett Clark, University of Utah, Editorial Committee Monthly Review
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Historian, author, professor emeritus California State University
Salvatore Engel-DiMauro, State University of New York at New Paltz, Editor in Chief Capitalism Nature Socialism
Andrew Feenberg, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia
John Bellamy Foster, University of Oregon, Editor Monthly Review
Arnaud FRANÇOIS, Professeur à l’Université de Poitiers, Département de Philosophie, France
Annina Gagyiova, Historikerin, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Dr. habil. Wolfgang Geyer, Leipzig, Germany
Prof. Dr. Michael Heinrich Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Germany
Sven Herrmann, Rechtsanwalt, Berlin, Germany
Fredric R. Jameson, Duke University
Dr. sc. Hartmut Kästner, Leipzig Germany
Prof. Dr. sc. Klaus Kinner, Leipzig, Germany
Dr. phil. Volker Külow, Leipzig, Germany
Michael Löwy, Research director in social sciences emeritus, Paris, France.
John Mage, Attorney, Editorial Committee Monthly Review
Malgorzata Mazurek, Associate Professor, Columbia University, New York
Prof. Dr. sc. Manfred Neuhaus, Leipzig, Germany
Dr. phil. habil. Antonia Opitz, Leipzig, Germany
Peter Osborne, Philosophy, Director, Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, Kingston University London
Anne F. Pomeroy, Philosophy, Stockton University
Malte Rolf, Prof. Dr., Universität Bamberg, Germany
Dr. phil. Monika Runge, Leipzig, Germany
Helena Sheehan, Dublin City University, Ireland
Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc, Institut Universitaire de France, Maître de conférence en Philosophie, Université de Toulouse
Michael E. Tigar, Human rights lawyer, professor emeritus at Duke Law School and Washington College of Law
Massimiliano Tomba, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Università di Padova, Italia
PD Dr. Annette Vowinckel, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam, Germany
Victor Wallis, Managing Editor, Socialism and Democracy
Frieder Otto Wolf, Hon.-Prof. Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Dr. Professor John Abromeit, Buffalo (New York), USA
Sunil Acharya, Kathmandu, Nepal
Jose Africa, Researcher, Quezon City, Philippines
Christian Agbodza, Economist, London, UK
Roozbeh Aghajari, Tehran, Iran
Alberto Agirre, Environmentalist, Bilbao, Spain
Professor Carlos Aguirre, Historian, Eugene, USA
Aijaz Ahmad, Chancellor’s Professor, Teaching and Research, Irvine, USA
Ryan, Aitken, Mildura, Australia
Darush Akbari, Social Activist/Engineer, Orlando (Florida), USA
Shayan Alavi, Columbia, USA
Harry Alter, Bookseller, Sylva, USA
Peter Altomare, Researcher, Kamuela, USA
Sergio Roberto Anacona Paladino, Journalist, San Felipe (Estado Yaracuy), República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Professor Chad Anderson Incheon, South Korea
Professor Jan Otto Andersson, Economist, Turku, Finland
Daniela Andrade, The Hague, Netherlands
Professor Alejandro Andreassi Cieri, History (retired) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Spain
Simon Andrewes Granada, Spain
Ian Angus, Editor (Climate &Capitalism), Ottawa Canada
Alberto Anselmi, Aerospace Engineer, Torre Pellice, Italia
Doctor Ricardo Antunes, Professor from UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil
Dr. Zahira Araguete Toribio, Researcher, Geneva, Switzerland
Abigail Araujo, Reasercher, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Célia Maria Arnaldo Silva, Teacher, São Paulo, Brasil
Dr. Greg Arnold, Chiropractor, Nesconset, USA
Professor Guy Alain Aronoff, Humboldt State University Professor of History, Arcata (California), USA
Assistant Professor Arto Artinian, City University of New York, New York, USA
Dr. Venkatesh Athreya, Economist, Chennai, India
Professor Ragnar Andreas Audunson, Oslo, Norway
Dr. Robert Austin, Historian, Sydney, Australia
Rais Awad, professional, Buol, Indonesia
Anders Axelsson, Malmo, Sweden
Dr. Rohit Azad, Assistant Professor Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India
Carles Badenes Escudero, Economist, Barcelona, Spain
Carl Badgley, Sewanee, USA
Slavash Bakhtiar, Teaching Affiliate University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Frode Bakken, Library Director, Skien, Norway
Kostas Balkamos, Student, Aarhus, Denmark
Raka Banerjee, Researcher, Kolkata, India
Colin Barker, Sociology, Manchester, UK
Barry H. Barlow, Regina, Canada
Professor John Barry, Belfast UK
James Barton, Business and Financial Journalist, Cambridge (MA), USA
Dr. Kakali Barua, Assistant Professor Lady Shri Ram College for Women, New Delhi, India
Jeffrey Bate Boerop, Graduate Student (M.A., Political Science, University of New Brunswick), Fredericton (NB), Canada
Ph D Professor Gabriel Fabian Bautista, Geographer Buenos Aires Buenos Aires
Gordon Baxter, Retired Labor Union Official Renton (Washington), USA
Dr. James Bearden, Sociology professor, Rochester, USA
Howard Beeth, Professor of History (Retired), Houston, USA
Anne-Marie Beirens, Kapellen, Belgium
Alan Bernstein, Film Teacher, London, (UK)
Matthew Bewig, Independent Historian, St. Louis, USA
Debasis Bhattacharjee, Kolkata, India
Phil Bianco, Barista, Ann Arbor, USA
Professor Richard Biernacki, Professor of Sociology University of California, Fellow of Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, La Jolla, USA
Prof. Dr. Ernst Biersack, Sophia Antipolis, France
Bill Bigelow, Curriculum Editor Rethinking Schools magazine, Portland (Oregon), USA
Distinguished Research Professor of Economics Cyrus Bina, Educator and Researcher, Morris, USA
Johannes Björk, Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Brett Bligh, Academic, Lancaster, UK
Dr. Malcolm Blincow, Anthropologist (Retired) York University, Toronto, Canada
Kenneth Boettcher, Graphics Arts/PrePress, Modesto, USA
PhD Mary Boger, Sociology, New York, USA
Dr. Imre Bokor, Mathematics School of Science and Technology, University of New England, Armidale (N.S.W.), Australia
Korkut Boratav, Professor of economics (retired) Economist, Ankara, Turkey
Dr. Glenn Borchardt, Scientific Philosopher, Berkeley, USA
André Borges, Political Scientist, Warsaw, Poland
Dr. Zsuzsanna Böröcz, Art and Architecture Historian KU Leuven Antwerp University, Antwerp, Belgium
Professor Karl Botchway, College Professor, New York City, USA
Dr. Elizabeth Bowman, Retired Academic, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Nathaniel Box, Library Worker, Amherst Township, USA
Manuel Branco, Assistant Professor at Faculty of Economics University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Dr. Proinnsias Breathnach, Senior Lecturer Emeritus Department of Geography Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland
Dr. Paul Brennan, Derby, UK
Professor Neil Brenner, Urban Theorist, Cambridge (MA), USA
Walter Brooker, Musician/Journalist, Toronto, Canada
Tibby Brooks, New York, USA
Dr. Martin L. Brown, Health Economist, Derwood (MD), USA
B. Ricardo Brown, Professor of Social Science &Cultural Studies, New York, USA
Ermal Bubullima, Alumni Sciences-Po Paris, Human Rights Jurist, Athens, Greece
Dr. Mike Budd, Professor Emeritus School of Communication and Multimedia Studies Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton (FL), USA
Erik Buelinckx, Art Historian, Brussels, Belgium
Paul Buhle, Senior Lecturer (retired), Madison (WIS), USA
Dr. Joanna Bujes, Writer, Oakland, USA
Michael Burgess, Retired, Ithaca, USA
Professor Verity Burgmann, Melbourne, Australia
Chris Burke, Founding Partner Salsedo Press Printing, Chicago, USA
Pedro Burrola, Grad Student, México City, México
Prof.Dr. Jorge Buzaglo, Economist, Stockholm, Sweden
Professor and Chair Carolyn Byerly, Department of Communication Culture &Communication Howard University, Washington DC, USA
Professor George Caffentzis, Professor Emeritus Philosophy, New York, USA
Saddam Cahyo, Journalist, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Edward Calamia, Teacher, New York, USA
Ernesto Cano, Professor of Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Sociologist, Mexico City, Mexico
Anton Caragea, President European Council on Tourism and Trade, Brussels, Belgium
Luís Carapinha, Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Professor Robert Carley, Yellow Springs, USA
Claire Carsman, Palm Springs, USA
Conall Cash, PhD Student Ithaca, New York, USA
Juan Ignacio Castien Maestro, Sociology Complutense University of Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcon, España
Dr. Professor Vitor Cei, Porto Velho – RO, Brazil
Henrik Celander, Publisher, Lund, Sweden
Wim Ceunen, Process Operator / Unionist, Kapellen, Belgium
Dr. Qalabane K. Chakela, Geomorphlogist/Environment Resources, Maseru, Lesotho
Dr. Saumya Chakrabarti, Associate Professor of Economics, Santiniketan, India
Dr. Gorky Chakraborty, Kolkata, India
Gregory Chamberlin, Hopkins, USA
John Chambless, Retired Journalist, Seattle, USA
Brennan Chambre, Graduate Student, Writer, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
Dr. Kyung-Sup Chang, Professor of Sociology, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
Dr. Jia-Ching Chen, University of California, Geographer, Global Studies, Santa Barbara, USA
Hyung Choi, Ex-editor of Radical Review, Writer of Feeltong, Changwon (Gyungnam Province), Republic of Korea
Chinyong Chong, Medi-Cal Case Worker / Student, Los Angeles, USA
Professor Levon Chorbajian, Sociologist, Billerica, USA
Dr. Shih-Yu Chou, Translator &Freelance Journalist, Taipei, Taiwan
Farooque Chowdhury, Freelancer, Dhaka, Bangladesh
PhD Roland Chrisjohn, University Professor; Author, Jemseg, Canada
Dr. Željko Cipriš, Professor, Stockton (CA). USA
Associate Professor (Emeritus) Harry Cleaver, Department of Economics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA
Timothy Close, Retired-FireFighter/Paramedic, Columbus, USA
Doctor Professor Fellipe Coelho Lima, Natal, Brasil
Dr. Ken Collier, University Professor (retired), British Columbia, Canada
Dr. John Connor, Academic, Cambridge, UK
Dr. Andrew Cornford, Financial Commentator, Geneva, Switzerland
Joyce Costa, Teacher, Natal, Brasil
Graham Cox, Union Research Staff, Toronto, Canada
Dr. Laurence Cox, Sociologist, Dublin, Ireland
Czeslaw Czapla, Portland (Oregon), USA
Dr. Rolf Czeskleba-Dupont, University Teacher and Researcher, Hvalsø, Denmark
Bernard D’Mello, Deputy Editor, Economic &Political Weekly, Mumbai, India
Mohamed Sidique Dabo, Public Servant, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Dr. Charles Dahlman, Optometrist, Santa Rosa, USA
Professor Lars Dahlstrom, Associate Professor of Education/ International Education, Umea, Sweden
Euan Dargie, Dundee, Scotland
Professor Anthony Dawahare, Northridge, USA
Srikumar De, Teacher, Kolkata, India
Dr. Janaína de Faria, PhD candidate at KCL/ Lecturer at UFVJM Brazil, London, UK
Maristela Debenest, Brasília, Brasil
Dilara Demir, PhD Student, New Brunswick, USA
Leigh Denholm, Sociologist, Toronto, Canada
Dr. Andy Denis, Economist, London, USA
Todd Dennis, Worker, Madison, USA
Marc Derbacz, Boston, USA
Prasanta Dhar, Doctoral Candidate, Toronto, Canada
Gregory Diamant, Retired, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Dr. Norman Diamond, Trustee Pacific Northwest Labor History Association, Portland, USA
Dr. Geoffrey Dierckxsens, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Antwerp, Belgium
Prof. William DiFazio, Sociologist, Brooklyn (NY), USA
Kurt Dillon, Architect and Urban Planner, New York, USA
Aditi Dixit, Research Student, Bengaluru, India
Mattias Dorrian, Archivist, Stockholm, Sweden
Daniel dos Santos, Retired professor Dept of Criminology/University of Ottawa/Sociologist Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ralf Dose, Director Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft e.V., Berlin, Germany
Professor Pura Duart, Titular de Universidad jubilada, Valencia, España
Dr. Professor Maximiliano Dueñas Guzmán, Caguas, Puerto Rico
Jimi Duggan, PhD Student-Literature, Boston, USA
Mustafa Durmuş, Associate Professor, Ankara, Turkey
Anna Dzierzgowska, Teacher/Translator, Warsaw, Poland
Paul Eckstein, Adjunct Instructor Columbia College Orlando (FL), Kissimmee, USA
Dr. E. A. O. Eldaw, Researcher, Sint Anthonis, The Netherlands
Chris Elliott, Artist and Writer, Long Beach, USA
Vincenzo Ellis, Postdoctoral Researcher Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Professor Hugh Ellis, Biologist University of San Diego, San Diego, USA
Francisco Erice, Profesor Historia contemporánea, Oviedo, España
Dr. Professor Tore Linne Eriksen, Oslo, Norway
David Evans, London, UK
Hjalmar Falk, Gothenburg, Denmark
James Farmelant, Medford, USA
Silvia Federici, Emerita Professor, Brooklyn, USA
Ruth Felder, Lecturer, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ken Ferguson, Journalist, Newburgh (Fife), Scotland
José Paulo Ferrer, Journalist, Portuguese Teacher, São Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Fabian Figueiredo, Bloco de Esquerda – Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal
Barry Finger, Rhinebeck, USA
Dr. Carlos Finkel, University Lecturer (retired), Madrid, Spain
George Fish, Worker, Writer, Trade Unionist Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Grant S. Fisher, Retail Worker, independent left intellectual &activist, Atlantic Beach (NC), USA
Frank Fitzgerald, Professor of Sociology College of Saint Rose, Albany, USA
Dr. Jan Flora, Professor emeritus of Sociology, Ames, USA
Joseph Fracchia, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA
Nicolas Esteban Frank Gabin Szilagyi da Silva, Geographer, Rocha, Uruguay
Dr. Lee Paul Freeman, Library Assistant, Hull, UK
Professor Christian Fuchs, London, UK
Benet Fusté, Cardedeu, Catalonia
Massimo Gabella, Student, Turin, Italy
David Gagne, Retired, Former Community Organizer, Minneapolis (MN), USA
Vagelis Galanis, Epekeina Editions, Trikala, Greece
Maria de Fátima Galvanese, Sociologist, São Paulo, Brazil
Carmen García, Profesora de Historia Contemporánea de la Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, España
Eduardo Garibay, Mexico City, Mexico
Christian Garland, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Professor Jan Garrett, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Philosophy teacher (ret.) at Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, USA
Professor Eduardo Gasca, Porlamar, Venezuela
Ing., Ph.D. Mesfin Gedlu, UNHOŠŤ Czech Republic
Maarten Geeroms, Gent, Belgium
Raymond George Long, Liverpool, UK
Andrew George Long, London, UK
Dr. Lucia Getsi, Retired Univ. Professor, McCormick (SC), USA
Professor Jayati Ghosh, Economist, New Delhi, India
Nigel Gibson, Providence, USA
Arnaldo Gierbolini, Engineer, Ponce, Puerto Rico
Dr. Ayesha Gill, Genetics Oakland, USA
Dr. Niall Gillespie, Researcher, Dublin, Ireland
William Gills, Retired Math Teacher/Engineer, Brookly (NY), USA
Profesor Jorge Antonio Giordani Cordero, Titular Universidad Central de Venezuela Profesor Universitario, Caracas, Venezuela
Dr. Steven Glazer, Professor of History, Graceland University, Lamoni, USA
Warren Goldstein, Executive Director Center for Critical Research on Religion, Newton (MA), USA
Dennis M. Goldstein, Financial Services, Denville, USA
Meqdad Golshani, Zahedan, Iran
Dr. Sandra Gomes, Professor, Niterói, Brazil
María Gómez de León, Student of English Lit., Mexico City, México
Professor Mauricio Gonçalves, Recife, Brazil
Kanishka Goonewardena, Associate Professor Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Peter Gose, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Kalvin Graham, Conway (AR), USA
Professor Robson Granado, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. María Florencia Granato, Economist, Río Cuarto, Argentina
Nick Grant, Retired Teacher and Union Activist, London, UK
Professor Bill Grantham, Visiting Professor Loughborough University London, London, UK
John Graversgaard, Psychologist, Aarhus, Denmark
Tom G. Griffiths, Associate Professor ,Newcastle, Australia
Bernie Gruell, Consultant, Regina, Canada
Dra. Yolanda Guerra, Professora Associada da Escola de Serviço Social da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Dr. Meghna Guhathakurta, Researcher, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Pardo Gultom, Medan, Indonesia
Ryan Gunderson, Assistant Professor Miami University, Miami, USA
Professor Robert Hackett, Burnaby, Canada
Professor Ghassay Hage, Mekbourne, Australia
Professor Peter Haiku, Brooklyn (NY), USA
Fairzul Hakim, Working Class Political Worker, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr. Wadood Hamad, Scientist and Professor, Vancouver, Canada
Paul Harder, Lutheran Pastor Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA
Steve Hardin, Computer Technician and Energy Consultant, La Selva Beach (CA), USA
Marta Harnecker, Writer, Vancouver, Canada
Victoria F Harris, Emerita Professor, Elected Member of McLean, Count Board, Bloomington, USA
Russell Harrison, Retired Professor, New York, USA
Jim Hartz, Retired Literature Professor, Boulder, USA
James Heck, Retired library worker, Regina, Canada
Dr. Professor Inez Hedges, Northeastern University, Boston, USA
Professor Henry Heller, Historian, Winnipeg, Canada
John Herman, Manchester, UK
Professor Luc Herman, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Robert Hernandez, Attorney, Medford, USA
Dr. Capella Hernández, Cartedrático emérito de Filosofía Política, Moral y Jurídica, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España
Carol Hernandez-Rodriguez, Portland, USA
Dr. Conrad Herold, Associate Professor of Economics, New York, USA
Professor John Higginson, Historian: Department of History, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst (MA), USA
Robert Hill, Research Professor History UCLA, Sherman Oaks, USA
John Hird, Teacher, Melbourne, Australia
Bruce Hobson, Translator, Santa Cruz, USA
Peter Hogan, Belfast, UK
Professor Patrick Hogan, Professor of English, Storrs, USA
Professor James Holstun, Professor of English Literature University at Buffalo, Buffalo, USA
Colin Honnor, Lawyer and Writer, Cheltenham, UK
Will Hough, Human Services, West Wareham, UK
Dr. Jonathan House MD, Psychiatrist, New York, USA
Dr. S. Mohammed Irshad, Academic , Mumbai, India
Dr. Victoria Isidro luna, D.F., Mexico
James Jacobs, Librarian, San Francisco, USA
Todd Jailer, Writer/ Editor, Berkeley, USA
Professor Diana Jeater, Historian, London, UK
T Jeffries, Retired, Esteli, Nicaragua
Dr. Tae-Hee Jo, Associate Professor of Economics at SUNY Buffalo State, Buffalo (NY), USA
Kevin Johnson, Daycare Provider, Oakland (CA), USA
Daniel Johnson, Historian, Ankara, Turkey
George Johnson Jr., Retired Jewish Theologian, Berkeley, USA
John Johore, Teacher, London, UK
Donald Judd, English Professor, Pittsburg, USA
Sabah Kadduri, Assistant Professer Economic Researcher/Accounting ـ Emeritus, Odense, Denmark
Shakti Kak, Retired Professor Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India
Dr. Babu Rao Kalapala, Scientist, Hyderabad, India
Dr. Mahmoud Kamal, Chemist, Budapest, Hungary
Professor Woosung Kang, Seoul Korea
Harsh Kapoor, Independent Researcher and Founder, New Delhi, India
Jan H.N. Kapteijn, Retired, Didam, Netherlands
Geeta Kapu, Art Critic and Curator, Delhi, India
Martin Karlsson Pedersen, Part-time lecturer, Odense, Denmark
Dr. David Karp, Teacher, Seattle, USA
Arnold Kawano, Attorney at Law, Moraga (CA), USA
Alp Kayserilioğlu, Independent Writer and Researcher, Istanbul, Turkey
Stan Keable, Local Government Officer, London, UK
Dr. Krzysztof Kedziora, Philosophy, Lodz, Poland
Dr. D Kelly, Researcher, Wollongong, Australia
Dr. Sinead Kennedy, Maynooth University, Dublin, Ireland
Tony Kenttä, Uppsala, Sweden
Leo Kerner, Engineer, Ottawa, Canada
Timothy Kerswell, Assistant Professor of Government and Public Administration, University of Macau, Macau SAR, China
Bhaskaran Kesavan, Engineer, Kollam(Quilon), India
Giorgi Kevlishvili, Tbilisi, Georgia
Dr. Newton Key, Professor of History, Charleston, USA
Dr. Assaf Kfoury, Professor of Computer Science, Boston, USA
Dr. Ahmed Amine Khamlichi, CNRS Investigator, Toulouse, France
Mu-Jeong Kho, University College London, London, UK
Bill Koehnlein, New York, USA
Jan Kofman, Professor emerius Institute of Political Studies Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of History and Political Sciences University of Bialystok, Historian and Political Scientist, Warsaw, Poland
Nestor Kohan, Investigador CONICET y profesor de la universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ulle Koiv, New York, USA
Takenori Komatsu, Asahikawa, Japan
Dr. Kim Eng Koo, Retired Neurosurgeon, Rocky Mount, NC, USA
Professor Filip Kovacevic, University of San Francisco &University of Montenegro, San Francisco, USA
Professor Vladimir Krstulović, Beograd, Srbija
Mathias Krusell, Archivist, Göteborg, Sweden
Deepak Kumar, Doctoral Research Scholar, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan
Professor Mohammad J. Kuna, Teaching, Research, Community Service, Sokoto, Nigeria
Irving Kurki, Brookline, USA
Herminio Lafoz, Catedratico de Instituto, Zaragoza, Spanien
Andrew Lamas, Faculty, University of Pennsylvania; Board of Directors, International Herbert Marcuse Society, Philadelphia, USA
Thomas Laughlin, Sessional Lecturer, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Professor Neil Lazarus, Coventry, UK
Dr. Paul Le Blanc, Professor of History, La Roche College, Pittsburgh, USA
Daniel Le Dressay, Lawyer, Vancouver, Canada
Ledy Leal, Jornalista, São Paulo, Brasil
Michael Lebowitz, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Economist, Vancouver, Canada
Dr. Alex Taek-Gwang Lee, Professor Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea
Louis Lefeber, Professor of Economics and Grad. York University retired, Toronto, Canada
Dale Lehman, Chicago, USA
Richard Lesnik, San Francisco, USA
Dr. Sergio Lessa, Professor, Maceió, Brazil
Dr. Noemi Levy, Economist, Ciudad de Mexico, México
Moira Leydon, Education Researcher in Education Trade Union, Dublin, Ireland
Jeffrey Lichtenstein, Memphis, USA
Dr. Peter Limb, Historian and Bibliographer, East Lansing, USA
Kevin Lindemann, Winfield IL, USA
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lindenberger, Historian, Potsdam, Germany
Daniel Lindvall, Editor, Writer, Stockholm, Sverige
Dr. Paul Lingas, Retired, professional Engineer and cerified Public Accountant, Toronto, Canada
José Lino Soares Neto, Economist, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Elliot Linzer, Indexer, New York, USA
Eugene Liow, Researcher, Singapore, Singapore
Guy Liston, Teacher/Writer, Beijing, China
Benjamin Livant, TTOC, Teacher (SD61, BC, CAN), Victoria, Canada
David Lloyd, Distinguished Professor of English, Professor of Literature Riverside, California, USA
Junior Lodge, Trade Economist, Brussels, Belgium
Henry Loeb, United Steelworkers of America, Union Activist, retired, Jacksonville, USA
Professor Manuel Loff, Historian, Oporto, Portugal
Sebastian Löken, Gothenburg, Sweden
Salvador López-Arnal, Teacher UNED, Barcelona, Spain
Christian Lotz, Professor of Philosophy, East Lansing, USA
Dr., Professor Colleen Lundy, Ottawa,Canada
Robert MacDiarmid, Retired, Kingston, Canada
Lew MacDonald, Vancouver, Canada
Aindriu Macfehin Student, Auckland, New Zealand/Aotearoa
Nathan Macleod, Ottawa, Canada
Professor Emeritus, Fred Magdoff, Education, Burlington, USA
Arthur Maisel, Composer, New York, USA
Professor Theo Majka, Professor of Sociology, College Professor, Dayton, USA
Dr. Sehlare Makgetlaneng, Political Scientist, Author, Pretoria, South Africa
A.K. Maleri, Retired College Teacher, Ludhiana, India
Desmond Maley, Librarian, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada
Joshua Malle, Seattle, USA
Mike Maloney, Administrative Assistant, Martin Luther King Jr. County Labor Council, Seattle, USA
Saleh Mamon, Educational consultant Carshalton, UK
Dr. Matteo Mandarini, Academic London, UK
Adam Henryk Manikowski, prof emeritus, National Librarian of Poland 1993-1997, historian, Warsaw, Poland
Dr. Firoze Manji, Publisher, Montréal, Canada
Michael Mann, Saint Paul, USA
Gene Marchi, Mill Valley, USA
Miguel Marco, Barcelona, Spain
Professor Laszlo Marcus, Sociologist (retired), New York, USA
Moema Maresti Lima, Teacher, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Milan Marković Matthis, Dramaturg, Malmö, Sweden
Professor Norman Markowitz, Historian, New Brunswick, USA
Putu trisna Marmika, Student, Gianyar, Indonesia
Professor George Martell, Associate Professor (Retired), York University, Toronto, Canada
Salustiano Martín González, Madrid, Spanien
Juan Martínez de Velasco, International development consultant, Madrid, Spain
Lucien Materne, Brussels, Belgium
Dr. Anthony May, Brisbane, Australia
Tom Mayer, Professor (emeritus), Sociologist, Boulder, USA
Reza Mazhari, Assent Professor, Art in Economics, Teacher, Gonbad Kavvos, Iran
Dr. Kathleen McAfee, Professor, San Francisco, USA
Robert McBride, Academic, Oakland, USA
Professor Robert McChesney, Madison, USA
William McColloch, Assistant Professor of Economics, Keene State College, USA
Dr. John McCraw, Retired Educator, Tucson, USA
John A. McCurdy, PhD Student, Hamilton, Canada
Dr. Dennis McDaniel, Retired Museum Curator, Washington DC, USA
Janet McEntegart, Retired teacher, Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Charles McFadden, educator, researcher and policy developer, Fredericton, Canada
Cida Medeiros, Human Rights and Culture of Peace Facilitator, Fortaleza, Brazil
Mark Methven, Oswego, IL, USA
Nancy Mikelsons, Independent Scholar, Oak Park, USA
Dr. Anders Bjerre Mikkelsen, Ph.D., Retired, Viby, Denmark
Professor Toby Miller, London, UK
Bruno Miller Theodosio, São Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Lisa Mills, Political Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Professor Cédric Minne, Tournai, Belgium
Professor Seyed Javad Miri Meynagh, Sociologist, Tehran/Goteborg, Iran/Sweden
Ruth Misheloff, English, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY, New York, USA
Professor Maria Ceci Misoczky, Researcher on Organization Studies at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil
Professor Sudeb Mitra, City University of New York, New York, USA
Anupam Mitra, Trade Union Worker, Kolkata, India
Professor Mritiunjoy Mohanty, Teacher and Researcher, Kolkata, India
Janice Mohseni, Vista, USA
Sean Monahan, PhD Student, Providence, RI, USA
Dr. Radhika Mongia, Associate Professor, York University, Toronto, Canada
Dr. João Paulo Monteiro, Lawyer, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Antoni Montserrat, Associació Catalana d‘Investigacions Marxistes, Economist, Barcelona, Spain
Angela Moorjani, Professor Emerita, University of Maryland-UMBC, Baltimore, MD, USA
Dr. Gerard Moran, Retired publisher, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Miguel Moro Vallina, Analyst and Programmer, Blimea, Spain
Professor Meaghan Morris, Academic, Sydney, Australia
Dip. Soziologe Volkhard Mosler, Journalist, Frankfurt, Deutschland
Roberto Mozzachiodi, Teacher, London, England
Dr. phil. Christian Mueller, Journalist, Molinazzo di Monteggio, Switzerland
Kisholoy Mukherjee, Researcher, Kolkata, India
Dr. Bertus Mulder, Sociologist, Feanwâlden, The Netherlands
Marya Muñoz-Vázquez, Retired Professor Community Psy. University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Salvatore Murgia, teacher, Macomer, Italy
Gareth Murphy, Union Official, Dublin, Ireland
Thomas Nail, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Denver, USA
Madhavan Kutty Nandeilath, Journalist, Kochi, India
Dr. Dev Nathan, Researcher, Delhi, India
Peter Naumann, Oxford ,UK
Dr. Héctor Navarro, Ingeniero Electricista, Caracas, Venezuela
Dr. Nandan Nawn, Associate Professor, TERI University, New Delhi, India
Gary Neu, Roscoe, USA
Miriam Newman, lawyer, South Strafford VT, USA
Dr. Germain Ngoie Tshibambe, Professor Lubumbashi, Democratic Republuc of Congo
Jeffery Nicholas, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Providence, USA
Professor Mervyn Nicholson, Professor of English, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, Canada
Alexander Nikolic, Mag., Artist, Activist, Researcher, Vienna, Austria
Rodrigo Nogueira, Student, Petrolina, Brazil
John Norem, Tucson, USA
Professor Emeritus Liisa North, University professor, Toronto, Canada
Séamus O’ Brien, Waterford, Ireland
Justin O’Hagan, Teacher, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Brian Oelberg, union organizer, Great Falls, USA
Isabel Oliveira, Psychologist, professor at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
Juan Olivella, Physician, Santa Marta, Colombia
Bertell Ollman, Professor, Dept. of Politics, NYU, New York, USA
Dragomir Olujić Oluja, Journalist, Belgrade, Yougoslavia
Oluwasola Omoju, Researcher, Vienna, Austria
Fabio Ortiz Jr, Researcher, Writer, Santo Antonio do Pinhal, Brasil
Dr. Laura L. Ortiz Negron, Researcher, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Alexandra Orton, TV/ Film Producer, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Dr. Gerardo Otero, Professor of International Studies and Sociology, Simon Fraser University, North Vancouver, Canada
Eve Ottenberg Stone, public school librarian/novelist/critic, Silver Spring, USA
Professor Elcemir Paço Cunha, Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Alex Papaioannou, Physics Student, Heraclion, Greece
Neuza Paranhos, Translator, Writer, São Paulo, Brasil
Leo Parascondola, Instructor, Wayne, NJ, USA
Harvey Partica, Visiting Lecturer in English, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove (PA), USA
Professor Prabhat Patnaik, Professor Emeritus, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Professor Utsa Patnaik, Professor Emerita, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Robert Paynter, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Northampton, Massachusetts
Robert Pecs, Edmonton, Canada
Bruno Peigo Romão, Law student, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Professor Michael Pelias, Philosopher, New York, USA
Dr. William Pelz, Director – Institute of Working Class History, Chicago, USA
Antonio Peña Vela, Profesor de Secundaria, Psicólogo educativo, Badajoz, Spanien
Marco Antonio Nascimento Pereira, Economist of DIEESE – Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudo Socioeconômicos, São Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Stephen Perkins, Retired proletarian, Canterbury, UK
Ignacio Perrotini, Economist (Ph.D.), Professor at UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
Professor Jean Pestieau, Physicist, Brussels, Belgium
Ranko Petrovic, Software Architect, Vancouver, Canada
Sheridan Phillips, Scholar, Editor Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Professor Marie-Claire Picher, College of Mount Saint Vincent, Bronx, New York, USA
Eva Piera, Educator, Valencia, Spain
Dr. Michael Pierse, Lecturer, Belfast, Ireland
Professor John Pinkerton, Academic, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Ana Pinto, Belo horizonte, Brasil
Professor Jose A. Piqueras, Historian, Valencia, Spain
John Pittman, Associate Prof of Philosophy, New York, USA
Victor Pizano Thomén, Civil Engineer, Santo Domingo, D.R.
José Pedro Pizarro, Researcher, Seville, Spain
Emeritus Professor Domingo Placido tu, Universitaria Docent, Madrid, Spain
Dr. Kamala Platt, professor, author, San Antonio, USA
Claudia Porto, Teacher, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Dr. Lucia Pradella, Lecturer in International Political Economy, King’s College London, London, UK
Ragh Prasad, Software Engineer, Hyderabad, India
Shiv Prasad, Advocate, Varanasi, India
Surendra Pratap, Center for Workers Education, New Delhi, India
Professor Monica Prendergast, Victoria, Canada
Stephen Price, Activist &Writer, Kirkland, USA
Paraskevas Psanis, Retired, Mytilene, Greece
Paul Pugh, Councillor, City of Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay, Canada
Dr. Alicia Puyana, Economist, Mexico City, Mexico
Richard Rabin, Researcher, Trainer, Arlington, USA
Nanjappan Radhakrishnan, Advocate, Erode, India
Dr. Shobha Raghuram, Independent Researcher, Bangalore, India
Viviana Ramírez, High School senior teacher (Spanish), Santiago de Chile, Chile
Carlos G. Ramos- Bellido, Retired university professor, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Dr. Anders Ramsay, Lund, Sweden
Hawi Rapudo, Security and Safety Expert, Nairobi, Kenya
Peter Rasmussen, Independent Researcher Berkeley, California, USA
Bodhisatwa Ray, Political Activist, Calcutta, India
Prof. Dr. Darryl Reed, York University, Toronto, Canada
Adolph Reed, Jr., Professor, Philadelphia, USA
Hector Reillo, San Juan, USA
Luís Reis, Técnico Superior, Economista, Lagos, Portugal
Mohsen Rezvani, retired, Toronto, Canada
Dont Rhine, Faculty Co-Chair, Visual Art Program, Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier, USA
Len Richards, Union organiser, Auckland, New Zealand
Dr. Michael Richardson, Retired Lecturer and Labour historian, Bristol, UK
Tom Richardson, Retired UK Further Education teacher, Middlesbrough, UK
John Riddell, Historian, Toronto, Canada
Arayakkandi Robi, Comrade, Political Activist, Kannur, India
Alexandre Rodrigues, Writer, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Dr. Eugene Rodriguez, Boulder, Colorado, USA
David Rodríguez, Vigo, Spain
Dr. Jorge Rogachevsky, Professor, St. Mary’s City, USA
Jelica Roland, Buzet, Croatia
Grazia Romanelli, Arezzo, Italy
Dr. Aleix Romero, Phd, Historian, Logroño, Spain
Professor Ruth Rose, Professeure de sciences économiques, Montréal, Canada
Ernesto Rosenberg, physician,G&O,Health sciences, Neuquén, Argentine
Leslie Rosenblatt, Retired, Melbourne, Australia
Herman Rosenfeld, Retired National Staffperson, Canadian Auto Workers, Education Department Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Max Rosenkrantz, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, California State University, Long Beach, USA
Asher Ross, Data Analyst, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Fabio Rossera, Ascona, Switzerland
Dr. Jose Rossy, Psychologist, Schenectady, USA
Mel Rothenberg, Professor Emeritus of mathematics, University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Professor Modhumita Roy, Associate Professor, Tufts University, Medford, USA
Julie Ruben, New York, USA
Dr. Janet Rubinoff, University Professor, Toronto, Canada
Dr. Jeff Rudin, Trade Union Researcher, Cape Town, South Africa
Professor of Public Policy, James Russell, Portland State University, University Professor, Portland, Oregon, USA
Dr. Eugene Ruyle, Emeritus Professor, Cal State Long Beach, Oakland, USA
Tony Ryan, Bookseller, Oakland, USA
Sebastian Saar, Publisher, Malmö, Sweden
Professor Hanan Sabea, Associate professor of anthropology, Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Sabir, Economist, Karachi, Pakistan
Zulfi Saeful, Student, Bandung, Indonesia
Alain Saint Victor, Teacher, Historian, Montreal, Québec
Siamak Salehi, Professor of Economics, Cincinnati, USA
Daniel Salgado, Journalist, Santiago de Compostela, Gaiza
Gerald Salhani, Retired, Hamilton, Canada
Dr. Rene Sanchez, University Professor, Portland, USA
Oscar Sánchez, Student, Castelló d’Empúries, Spain
Dr. Wayne Sandiford, University professor, St. George’s Grenada, West Indies
María-Cruz Santos, Historicician, Barcelona, Spain
Alberto Sargis, Retired Sociologist; Director, Friedrich Engels Institute of Marxist War &Military Analysis, Oakland, USA
Kanchan Sarker, Teaching, Kelowna, BC, Canada
Sonny Saul, Bookseller/ Musician, Woodstock, USA
David Schaff, Attorney, Anchorage, USA
Dr. Scott Schaffer, Associate Professor of Sociology, The University of Western Ontario, Toronto, Canada
Dr. Emile Schepers, retired anthropologist, Woodbridge, USA
Professor Dan Schiller, Santa Fe, USA
Robert Schriek, Librarian, Madison, NJ, USA
Dr. Jeanne Schuler, Creighton University, Philosophy, Omaha, USA
Dr. Jason Schulman, Adjunct Assistant Professor, New York, USA
Professor David Schultz, Academic, St Paul, USA
Dr. Paul Schupp, University Professor, Tonawanda, USA
Dr. Payton Scott, Lawyer, Newnan, Georgia
Adam Scouten, Marxist Scholar Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Dr. Phil Scraton, University Professor (Queen’s University of Belfast), Belfast, UK
Stephen Sefton, Co-editor, Estelí, Nicaragua
Peter Senderowitz, Retired Public High School Teacher of Monroe, Monroe, USA
Raúl Serrano, Theatre regizor, Buenos Aires, Argentine
Sigrid Shaban-Neuhold, Graz, Austria
Ghooli Shah, Retired School Teacher, London, England
Abbas Shahrabi, Writer and Translator, Tehran, Iran
Randolph Shannon, Materials Analyst, New Brighton, USA
Ellen Shatter, retired librarian, Providence, USA
Shrirang Shukla, Retired Civil Servant, Pune, India
Rizwana Siddiqui, Economist, Isl, Pakistan
Dr. Ednaldo Silva, Economist, Washington DC, USA
Professor Marcelo Silva, Curitiba, Brazil
Sônia Irene Silva do Carmo, Teacher, Itatiba-SP, Brasil
Professor Marc Silver, Wheatley Heights, NY, USA
Gianlluca Simi, Doctoral Researcher, Nottingham, UK
Arnold Simmel, Sociologist Retired, New York, USA
John J. Simon, Editorial Committee, Monthly Review, New York, USA
Professor Pushpendra Kumar Singh, Teacher, Patna, India
Dr. Paramjit Singh, Assistant Professor, India
Dept of Education Kuldip Singh, Teacher, Patiala, Punjab,India
Madhav Sinha, Civil Engineer, Bokaro Steel City, India
Professor John Sinnigen, Professor Emeritus, Baltimore, USA
Roy Skodnick, Scholar, New York City, USA
Carl Slienger, Publisher, London, UK
Guy Slingsby, Researcher, Johannesburg, South Africa
Professor William Smaldone, Department of History, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon, USA
Professor Harry Smaller, Educator, Toronto, Canada
Professor Tony Smith, Philosophy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA
Dr. Richard (Chip) Smith, Organizer, Writer, Rocky Mount, NC, USA
Richard Smith, Denver, USA
Betty Smith, Publisher, New York, USA
Dr. John Smith, Sheffield, UK
Professor Gavin Smith, Anthropologist, Toronto, Canada
Dean Smith, Registered Nurse, Richmond, Australia
Maria Cristina Soares Panaigo, Professora doutora da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, Brasil
Francisco Soler López, Worker, Madrid, Spain
Professor Mark Solomon, Professor of History, Emeritus, Simmons College Historian (retired), West Newton, USA
Andrea Sonaglioni, PhD Student, Rome, Italy
George Souvlis, Phd Student at EUI, Florence, Italia
Professor Alan Spector, Hammond, USA
Dr. Matěj Spurný, Historian, Charles University / Czech Academy of Science, Prague, Czech Republic
Professor Roderick Stackelberg, Educator, Spokane, USA
Professor Emeritus Edward Steinhart, Professor of History, Vancouver, Canada
Timothy Stinson, Albany, USA
Professor Paul Stirton, Historian, New York, USA
Bob Stone, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, C. W. Post Center, Long Island University, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Felipe Stuart, Translator, Managua, Nicaragua
Dr. Michael Sukhov, Sociologist, Berkeley, USA
Intan Suwandi, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA
LuAnn Swartzlander, Instructor, Union Activist, Evanston, USA
Professor and former Ambassador Henryk Szlajfer, Warsaw University and Polish Academy of Sciences, (emer.)Professor, political prisoner 1968-1969., Warsaw, Poland
Dr. Mohammad Reza Taherian, Journalist, Tehran, Iran
Luis Talavera, Worker, Las Palmas GC, Spain
Larry Tallman, Civic Employee, Vancouver, Canada
Anamaria Tamayo-Duque, Lecturer, London, UK
Dr. Zehra Tasdemir Yasin, Ankara, Turkey
Mahadi Hasan Tauhid, Jr.Electrical Engineer in BETS Consulting Service Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Koorosh TeymooriFar, Retired Technician, Tehran, Iran
Professor Romila Thapar, Historian, Emeritus Professor in History at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Associate Professor Michael Thompson, New York, USA
Philip John Thompson, Sociologist, Temple, USA
Professor emeritus Martin Tiersten, Physicist, Riverdale, USA
Roman Tisza, Kyiv, Ukraine
Dr. Pietro Toggia, Professor, Kutztown, USA
Dr. Charles Tolman, Professor emeritus, University of Victoria, North Saanich, BC, Canada
Professor Dale Tomich, Historian, Binghamton, NY, USA
Terry Tompkins, Fostoria, USA
Sarah Tompkins, Belleville, USA
Kristina Toth, Writer, Nagoya, Japan
Saiful Totona, Independent Researcher, Jakarta, Indonesia
Noa Treister, Artist, Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Paul-Francois Tremlett, Senior Lecturer, The Open University, Nottingham, UK
Dr. Andrés Trotta, MD, Msc, PhD in Epidemiology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Carlos Trotta, Surgeon, Mar del Plata, Argentina
Michael Tucker, Retired (IT), Birmingham, UK
Professor John Tully, Historian, Melbourne, Australia
Dickson Tumawu, Academic, Cape Town, South Africa
Aarni Tuominen, Lecturer of world politics, Helsinki, Finland
David Tykulsker, Attorney, Montclair, NJ, USA
Colin Tyler, Professor of Social and Political Thought, Hull, UK
Kemal Ulker, Trade union officer, London, UK
Bunu Goso Umara, Administrator / Programme HIV – AIDS Coordinator, Maiduguri, Nigeria
Peter Urban, Civil Servant, San Francisco, USA
Robert Urquhart, University of Denver, Denver, USA
Farshid Vahedian, San Ramon, USA
Danilo Valleriani, Genoa, Italy
Frank van der Velden, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Paul van Reesch, Detroit, USA
Dr. Harry E. Vanden, University Professor, Tampa, USA
Martin Varady, Learning Consultant, Royal Oak, MI, USA
Ugo Verbeke, Kapellen, België
Leen Verheyen, PhD Student Philosophy, Antwerp, Belgium
Dr. Santosh Verma, Research (post-doc research fellow at the ICDD, university of Kassel, Germany), Kassel, Germany
Sunil Verma, Retired, Pune, India
Ivaldo Vernelli, Trieste, Italy
Dr. Jelle Versieren, Historian, Antwerp, Belgium
Dr. Carlos Vilas, Honorary Proffessor, Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Professor Miguel Villa, Geographer and Demographer, Santiago, Chile
Jacqueline Villagomez, Teacher, Palmdale, USA
Professor Luciano Vitacolonna, Researcher at the University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy), Guardiagrele, Italy
Professor Alan Wald, Professor Emertis, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Dr. Todd Walker, Dentist, South Milwaukee, USA
Danny Wardle, Adelaide, Australia
Dr. Robert Ware, Prof. Emeritus (Univ. of Calgary); Adjunct Prof. (Carleton Univ.), Ottawa, Canada
Professor Janet Wasko, University of Oregon; President, International Association for Media/Communication Research, Eugene, Oregon, USA
Kathi Weeks, Durham, UK
Dr. Judith Weiss, Professor Emerita of Hispanic Studies, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada
Suzanne Weiss, Retired, Toronto, Canada
Jonathan Westphal, Administrator, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Dr. Edward Wethli, Cape Town, South Africa
Dr. Ali White, Consultant researcher and writer, Jakarta, Indonesia
Professor (Retired) Fred Whitehead, Kansas City, USA
Ari Wijayanto, University Student, Sleman, Indonesia
Dr. James H. Williams, Professor, Tacoma, WA, USA
Granville Williams, Author and journalist, Upton near Pontefract, UK
Glenn Williams, Retired, Brooklyn, USA
Dr. Tony Williams, Professor, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA
Paul Williams, Toms River, USA
Dr. Ryan Wishart, Assistant Professor, Creighton University, Omaha, USA
John Witeck, Instructor, HR Specialist, Honolulu, USA
Dr. Oswaldo Yamamoto, Full Professor/UFRN, Natal/RN, Brazil
Yavuz Yasar, Associate Professor, Economist, Denver, USA
Bill Yates, Printer/Retired, Seattle, USA
Dr. Michael Yates, Professor Emeritus. Editorial Director of Monthly Review Press, Boulder, USA
Dr. James Young, Historian, labor union Activist, Harrisburg, USA
Ajit Zacharias, Economist, Annandale-on-Hudson, USA
Dr. Karim Zahidi, Philosopher, University of Antwerp, Gent, Belgium
Diler Zangana, Oshkosh, USA
Dr. Farhad Zargar, Geographer, Toronto, Canada
Professor Thomas Zaslavsky, Binghamton, N.Y., USA
Dr. Carlos Zigel, M.D., Baltimore, USA
Tatiana Zismann, Government Employee, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Alireza Zoghi, M.I.M., Retired Banker, King of Prussia, USA
Dr. Alex Zukas, University Professor, San Diego, USAomever it may concern!