1. Please click this link, first, for Korean version. Then you can find below:

2. Please click this link, as well, for English version. Then you can find below:

3. Please click this link 1 and link 2, if one wants to see the Linked Open Data (LOD) from the National Library of Korea.
http://lod.nl.go.kr/resource/KMO201657542(170인의 경제학자들과 금융개혁)

4. If one wants to see Mu-Jeong Kho (고무정 in Korean) at the National Library of Korea, please click this link1 and link2.

5. If one wants to see the Class Tree, please click this link
6. At the RISS
Please click link1 and Link2.

7. At the National Library

8. For a video clip
고무정 (Mu-Jeong Kho)